Visiting Grand Rapids, Michigan?

If you are only here for , please see:

Enjoy!  Or keep reading for more ideas …

Looking for things to do?

🏛 Museums 👥︎📅︎ GR Community Calendar 👥︎📅︎ Local events > EVENTS, 🚼︎🚸︎ 📅︎ GRKids > CALENDAR,   ArtPrize (approx. Sept. 2nd-Thur. to Oct. 1st-, 2nd- or 3rd-Sun. — please 📅︎ verify dates).

☀︎🚶︎🏠︎ Outdoors 🚶︎ Outings ☀︎🚶︎🏠︎ Outdoor volunteering Activists

Music and Performances Pubs

🏛 Education Lecture Series 📱︎💻︎ User Groups

Jobs Financial and other Help
Sports Local News
✈︎ Aviation

☀︎🚶︎🏠︎ Outdoors

 ▶︎  Lots of health benefits to going outdoors[?] in ☀︎ natural sunlight, direct or indirect.

To get these benefits, you might visit, see or join:

☀︎🚶︎🏠︎ Outdoor Volunteering

There are a large number of organizations needing volunteers for ☀︎🚶︎🏠︎ outdoor work (good exercise!), who are 👥︎ partners of and listed at
West Michigan Conservation Network > About > Our Partners.

I volunteer for several of them!

Music and Performances

🏛 Education

image of Crown, Keep Calm And Graduate, select to view larger

📱︎💻︎ User Groups

(mostly 📱︎💻︎ < /> computer programmer-type)   These links are stale.  Many groups did not survive COVID.  Even the lists of groups are all gone.  I will rebuild after COVID recovery shakes out a bit more.

Financial and other Help

Many Michiganders need help these days:

Local News


To learn more (including demographic information and excellent 🗺 maps) about West Michigan's neighborhoods, cities, townships and counties, please see 👥︎🛠 Community Research & Data Tools > Community Profiles > your neighborhood, city, township or county.   Can waste use lots of time with the 🗺 Interactive Map!

My neighborhood, Ada Township  ▶︎  video Space Worth Preserving.

Closest 🏫︎ school districts are (in order):

Michigan Licensed 🐦︎ 🐢︎ Wildlife Rehabilitators

Sustainable Business Practices:  The 👥︎🌐︎📈︎ Triple-Bottom Line (3BL) Ethic

Need all three:

  1. 👥︎ People, or Human Capital:
        Treat your employees right.
        Treat your 👥︎ community right.
        A fair day's work for a fair day's pay, while plowing a portion of the gains back to the community.

  2. 🌐︎ Planet, or Natural Capital:
        Treat the 🌐︎ planet right.
        Use a cradle-to-cradle approach to all materials and processes, from raw materials, to the product, to its decommissioning, to its reuse in new products.
        This ethic discourages use of ☠︎ toxic materials or processes.

  3. 📈︎ Profit:
        To meet the other ethics, this ethic is about making an honest profit.
        As opposed to the profit-at-any-cost ethic of other business models.

To get your company certified as a B Corporation involves more criteria.  But companies that do that are more likely to survive difficult economies, such as the 2008 Great Recession.

Food:  Farms

Food:  Markets

📚︎ Paper, plastics, metal, appliances, building materials and 👟︎ shoes

Reuse and ♻︎ Recycling are two of the R's of "Rethink/​Refuse/​Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle/​Repurpose/​Recover":

💡︎ Lighting and Energy


Get rid of trash and stuff

The easiest way to get rid of stuff is through our township's annual 🧹 Cleanup Day — a one-stop operation.

But if we can't wait that long, or make it that day, they say we can, anytime, use: